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Specifying MDS Servers Manually

If you cannot configure the DNS records in your network, you need to manually specify the IP addresses of all running MDS servers in the cluster each time you do any of the following:

To specify the IP address of an MDS server manually, create the bs.list file in the /etc/pstorage/clusters/Cluster_Name directory (make this directory if it does not exist) on the server you are configuring for the cluster and specify in it the IP address and port to use for connecting to the MDS server. For example:

# echo "" >> /etc/pstorage/clusters/stor1/bs.list

# echo "" >> /etc/pstorage/clusters/stor1/bs.list

This command:

  1. Assumes that you are configuring discovery for the stor1 cluster (thus, the directory name of /etc/pstorage/clusters/stor1).
  2. Creates the /etc/pstorage/clusters/stor1/bs.list file on the server, if it did not exist before.
  3. Adds the information on two MDS servers with IP addresses and to the bs.list file.