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Starting, Stopping, Restarting, and Querying Status of Virtual machines and Containers

After a virtual machine or Container has been created, it can be managed like a usual computer.

Starting Virtual Machines and Containers

You can start virtual machines and Containers with the prlctl start command. For example:

  • To start the Container 101:

    # prlctl start 101

  • To start the virtual machine MyVM:

    # prlctl start MyVM

Stopping Virtual Machines and Containers

You can stop virtual machines and Containers with the prlctl stop command. For example:

  • To stop the Container 101:

    # prlctl stop 101

  • To stop the virtual machine MyVM:

    # prlctl stop MyVM

Restarting Virtual Machines and Containers

You can restart virtual machines and Containers with the prlctl restart command. For example:

  • To restart the Container 101:

    # prlctl restart 101

  • To restart the virtual machine MyVM:

    # prlctl restart MyVM

    Note: Restarting virtual machines requires a guest OS and guest tools to be installed.

Checking Status of Virtual Machines and Containers

You can check the status of a Container or virtual machine with the prlctl status command. For example:

  • To check the status of the Container 101:

    # prlctl status 101

    VEID 101 exists mounted running

  • To check the status of the virtual machine MyVM:

    # prlctl status MyVM

    Vm MyVM exists stopped