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Choosing an OS EZ Template

Before starting to create a Container, you shall decide on which OS EZ template your Container will be based. There might be several OS EZ templates installed on the Hardware Node and prepared for the Container creation; use the vzpkg list command to find out what OS EZ templates are available on your system:

# vzpkg list -O


centos-6-x86_64 2012-05-10 13:16:43

Using the -O option with the vzpkg list command, you can list only the OS EZ templates installed on the Hardware Node. The time next to an OS EZ template indicates when the template was cached.

You can also use the --with-summary option to display brief information on the installed OS EZ templates:

# vzpkg list -O --with-summary

centos-6-x86 :CentOS 6 EZ OS template

centos-6-x86_64 :CentOS 6 (for AMD64/Intel EM64T) EZ OS Template

For detailed information on the vzpkg list command, consult the Virtuozzo 6 Command Line Reference Guide.