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Failure to Start a Container

An attempt to start a Container fails.

Solution 1

If there is a message on the system console: IP address is already used, issue the cat /proc/vz/veinfo command. The information about the Container numeric identifier, Container class, number of Container’s processes and Container IP address shall be displayed for each running Container. This shall also demonstrate that your Container is up, i.e. it must be running without any IP address assigned. Set its IP address using the command:

# prlctl set <CT_ID> --ipadd <IP_address>

where <CT_ID> is the Container identifier and <IP_address> is the desired IP address.

Solution 2

Poor UBC parameters might prevent the Container from starting. Try to validate the Container configuration (see Validating Container Configuration). See what configuration parameters have caused the error and set appropriate values using the prlctl set command.

Solution 3

The Container might have used all its disk quota (disk space). Check the quota (see Managing Disk Quotas and Chapter 4) and adjust its parameters if needed (see Setting Up Per-Container Disk Quota Parameters).

Solution 4

Run the prlctl console utility to log in and get access to the Container console. The utility will provide Container startup/shutdown output that may be used to pinpoint the problem. For example:

# prlctl console 101

where 101 is a Container identifier.

Solution 5

Restore the latest working copy of the Container by means of the prestore utility (see Managing Virtual Machine and Container Backups for details).