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Enabling and Disabling Offline Services

The current version of Virtuozzo supports the following offline services:

  • vzpp for managing virtual machines and Containers with Power Panel,
  • vzpp-plesk for managing virtual machines and Containers with Plesk Control Panel integrated with Power Panel.

The names of services enabled on a server are listed in the value of the OFFLINE_SERVICE parameter in the global configuration file (/etc/vz/vz.conf):

# cat /etc/vz/vz.conf | grep OFFLINE_SERVICE

OFFLINE_SERVICE="vzpp vzpp-plesk"

If a service is enabled in the /etc/vz/vz.conf file, you can use it to manage all newly created virtual machines and Containers.

You can disable offline services:

  • Globally for all virtual machines and Containers on a server. To do this, remove the desired service from the /etc/vz/vz.conf file.
  • For individual virtual machines and Containers. To do this, make sure that the offline service is enabled globally in the /etc/vz/vz.conf file and use the prlctl set command with the --offline_service option. For example, to disable the vzpp service for Container 101, run this command:

    # prlctl set 101 --offline_service vzpp