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Setting Up NFS Server in Containers

To set up an NFS server in a Container, do the following:

  1. Make sure the rpcbind, nfsd, and nfslock services are installed in the Container.
  2. Enable the NFS server feature for the Container by running the vzctl set --features nfsd:on command on the Hardware Node. For example:

    # vzctl set 101 --feature nfsd:on --save

    Note: If the Container is running, restart it for the changes to take effect.

  3. Start the rpcbind service in the Container.

    # service rpcbind start

    Starting rpcbind: [ OK ]

  4. Start the nfs and nfslock services in the Container.

    # service nfs start

    Starting NFS services: [ OK ]

    Starting NFS quotas: [ OK ]

    Starting NFS mountd: [ OK ]

    Starting NFS daemon: [ OK ]

    # service nfslock start

    Starting NFS statd: [ OK ]

You can now set up NFS shares in the configured Container.

Note: NFSv4 support may be disabled by default. For details on how to enable it, see Enabling NFSv4 Support for Containers.