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Detaching Backups from Virtual Machines and Containers

Note: Before detaching a backup from a running Linux virtual machine, disable the backup device with the prl_backup disable command run in the guest OS.

  • To detach all virtual disks from all backups attached to a virtual machine or Container, use the prlctl set --backup-del all command. For example:

    # prlctl set vm1 --backup-del all

  • To detach all virtual disks from a specific backup attached to a virtual machine or Container, use the prlctl set --backup-del <backup_ID> command. For example:

    # prlctl set vm1 --backup-del {e13561bb-5676-49bd-a935-ae0145eb0229}

  • To detach a specific virtual disk from any of the backups attached to a virtual machine, disconnect the virtual disk first then use the prlctl set --device-del hdd<N> command. For example:

    # prlctl set vm1 --device-set hdd1 --disconnect

    # prlctl set vm1 --device-del hdd1

  • To detach a specific virtual disk from any of the backups attached to a Container, use the prlctl set --device-del hdd<N> command. For example:

    # prlctl set 101 --device-del hdd1