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Submitting Problem Reports to Technical Support

You can use the prlctl problem-report command to compile detailed reports for virtual machines and Containers experiencing problems and send them to technical support. After receiving your report, the support team will closely examine your problem and make its best to solve it as quickly as possible.

Important: Reports contain only logs and the information on your system and network settings. They do not contain any private information.

To generate a report, specify the ID or name of the problem virtual machine or Container and the way to process the report:

  • To automatically send the report to technical support, pass the -s option to the command:

    # prlctl problem-report <CT_ID|VM_name> -s

    This is the recommended way of running the command. If you use a proxy server to connect to the Internet, you need to additionally specify its parameters after the --proxy option:

    # prlctl problem-report <CT_ID|VM_name> -s --proxy [user[:password]@]<proxyhost>[:port]

  • To display the report on your screen in the machine-readable format, pass the -d option to the command. You can pipe the output to a file and then send it to technical support, for example:

    # prlctl problem-report <CT_ID|VM_name> -d > problemReport

    This command saves the generated report to the file problemReport.